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Critical Asset Inspections & Reporting

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Drone-based inspections can optimise asset management and performance across your entire operation.
Regardless of your industry sector, reliable asset data is critical to enabling the right decisions. We offer comprehensive industrial inspections and reporting services based on cutting-edge drone technology and advanced analysis software.

At Measure Australia, we specialise in critical and high-risk asset inspections and reporting.

Accurate inspections

We work across the industrial landscape, including oil and gas, resources, construction, agriculture, and real estate. We offer flare tip inspections, easement inspections, and subsidence monitoring among many other services. All of our inspections and reporting solutions are tailored to specific locations and industry sectors, with our qualified team able to capture data in hazardous facilities and high-risk environments. Whether it involves local operations, national services, or delivery across wide global networks, Measure Australia has the experience in delivering almost any drone-data project.

Accurate data is the cornerstone of asset management, especially in demanding industrial markets. From pipeline and powerline inspections through to easement inspections and large area mapping, we offer high-specification engineered data solutions for some of Australia’s most critical infrastructure. Our demand for accuracy is only matched by our low tolerance for risk, both on-site and via our secure online portal.

Comprehensive reporting

At Measure Australia, our drone inspection and reporting service are end-to-end. Along with access to the most cutting-edge drone technology on the market, we have built advanced software solutions and deploy experts who can interpret and report on data correctly. We will map key infrastructure, identify defects, suggest solutions, and prioritise tasks based on known variables.
At Measure Australia, we can inspect your most valuable assets and provide you with key insights from above.

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